TGIF@ GReads # 2: Reading Blues!

TGIF is a weekly feature hosted by Ginger of GReads, where she proposes a bookish question to which we reply on our blogs! This Friday's question is,

 "Reading Blues: We all get them from time to time. What helps you overcome those reading slumps when nothing seems to grab your attention?"

Reading is always an awesome experience for me, but definitely there are days when I face a reading slump; when there's been too much of the same genre, similar plots and continuous reading! Or when I've just finished a series I enjoyed a lot and don't feel like starting something else for I might lose the magic of the series and characters' lives somehow. So, what do I do to drive away these reading blues?

Well, taking a break from reading is definitely hard, but I can manage a day or two. Not without reading at all, but I'll shift to reading magazines, a copy of Reader's Digest and newspapers! (Hardly ever the news, I go for interesting articles on lifestyle and living or anything else that seems interesting).

Or I shift to some other genre for a while. Maybe some classic I haven't read or a very light book. I like re-reading Nancy Drews- they're fast, quick and short! Sometimes I like to go through the Harry Potter books! I've read all of them at least seven times each! :P

Another thing I like to do to get over the reading slump is indulge into some sort of art and craft. I know, not related to reading and it can be considered a break, but it's still something that freshens up the imagination and creativity. I'm not a people person and prefer to do things on my own, or without talking a lot. Like crafts! I could be making cards or stuff using paper mache (I love that!). I enjoy making stuff that Neil from Art Attack (Disney Channel) makes! :D It takes just a day or two and I'll be back with my nose in my bookshelf! :P

And of course, I don't read during college exams. Though that is totally against my wishes. :|

So, what do you do, if you want to get over a reading slump?

Previous recent posts:


  1. I switch to a new genre as well when I'm in a slump. I have a stack of adult urban fantasies and paranormal romances for when times are hard! I do try to take a break, but I don't like not reading so that doesn't often work for me!

    Books of Amber

    1. It feels great to already have a stack for emergencies :P
      I don't like not reading as well, but a day or two into some other creative thing works well for me :)

  2. This is the second TGIF I've read about switching to a new genre, and I think I'm sold. I just keep picking up book after book after book and putting them down, wanting to scream in frustration. Reading slumps are the worst EVER. I've also seen the "reread an old fave" approach and I think that's good, too. But MAN, there are just so many books waiting to be read!

    1. Hahha.. your comment made me laugh! 'There are so many books waiting to be read'! True! Sometimes it doesn't feel like leaving them alone and going towards the old fav again, does it? :P
      A new genre helps me. :)

  3. i take a break from my regular genre as well.

    I'm a new follower!
    In the Hammock Blog

  4. Crafting-- now that is a fun break from reading! And a change of genre is really helpful, too!

  5. Totally agree on crafting! I don't think I realized that until I read your post, but I definitely have a thing where if I can't focus on a book, something I'll just pick up a ball of yarn and knitting needles (I sound like I'm super old, you'd never guess I'm only 25 haha) and have at it. I've always got some sort of unfinished scarf or otherwise around, and it is perfect to do.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. Haha.... knitting doesn't make you sound old! Crafts are a good way to keep you engaged and if it doesn't work the way you want, you tend to be frustrated and immediately return to reading! :P

  6. I should try crafting! I don't do that enough...

    Thanks for commenting on my blog and following(:

  7. I try reading a funny and light hearted book like Malgudi days , 2 states etc

    1. That's a good way too! It makes our mood light and we would go back to reading... :)

  8. You know, whenever I try to highlight text on your blog, I think my mouse isn't working! Haha! I like highlighting text since i get distracted easily (when the TV's on, anyway) and need something to remind me which part I'm reading. I think it's a very safe decision on your part, though! I just had to share that. :)

    Anyway, when I've had enough of reading for a bit, well, I do what you do: I shift to another genre or setting. The past few days I've been reading books set in America (Looking for Alaska is set in Alabama, while Starters' setting is Los Angeles), so now I want to read something dystopian, but set in an unrecognizable place. Either that or something set in Asia. I need more books like that!

    Oh, I'm not much of a news person, either. I like features and lifestyle sections but things about business don't interest me at all! Reader's Digest is awesome, though. It's the one magazine I grew up reading cover to cover! It's just gone through so many changes since then.

    About arts and crafts... You are such an INFJ. :) I'm not very creative so I stay away from those things, but I completely understand how it keeps you occupied without stressing you out unnecessarily! And also, gah, Art Attack. My childhood all the way! I love seeing reruns of that show.

    An addition of mine, I think, would be spending time with my friends. I love them, but I have a time limit when it comes to hanging out with them. I burn out a bit--I get cranky and need to recharge away from people. Haha! Sometimes they recommend good books, too, so it is a win-win. I feel a little bad for using them that way though! ;)

    1. Hahha... :P I have a techie friend who does all sorts of things technical. That's where I got the idea from, to prevent copy-pasting ;). I stay away from others' texts and I want the same with me. Too paranoid maybe, but bad school memories related to plagiarism were enough to convince me ;)

      I like dystopian as well and anything that has action and is away from reality! The fast paced plots that give you increased heart beats! These work the best for me. No wonder I'm such a fan of the Hunger Games! :D

      Arts and crafts because I prefer the peace and concentration, the creativity that comes, the feeling of 'creating' something new! Awesome! I don't do that very much, just when I think I need a break. I like spending time friends too, but just like you, I get back to books when I've had too much of girly talks! And hey, friends are those who help you ;)

  9. I take a break but for a week. Work likes to take over my BQT (Book Quality Time):)

    1. I know! Work, studies and some supposedly 'important' things like to take over our time with reading :P


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